Basic Data

s. 15
Archives / Library / Collection
Szombathely, Hungarian National Archives / Vas County Archives
XII. 1. a. 160 (host volume)
1 incomplete leaf, undetached
Page height
325 mm (incomplete) + 16 mm + 37 mm (with turnbacks)
Page width
240 mm + 34 mm + 40 mm (with turnbacks)
Written height
325 mm (incomplete)
Written width
314 mm (complete)
Number of columns
Number of lines
7 lines with text and music, the uppermost line is only partially visible
Stave height
30 mm
gothica textualis
Musical notation
Messine-German-Hungarian Gothic notation
Musical notation/remarks
5-line staves with lines traced in red, C-clef, F-clef, custos; line-space 20–22 mm
Host volume / author, title
Index Prothocoli Anni 1592
Host volume / shelfmark
XII. 1. a. 160
Feria 6 et Sabbato (Quattuor Temporum) post Dominicam I Quadragesimae
Kilián Szigeti, „A magyar középkor zenei emlékei Szombathelyen” [Musical relics of the Middle Ages in Szombathely], Vasi Szemle 16 (1962/2): 64–73; 1962, ; idem, „A szombathelyi egyházmegye egyházi zenéjének története”[History of the church music of the Szombathely Diocese], in A 200 éves szombathelyi egyházmegye emlékkönyve. Szombathely: Szombathelyi Egyházmegyei Hatóság, 1977, 245–430, here 245–247; Gabriella Gilányi, "Használatitól a műremekig: a 15. századi hangjelzett esztergom-budai kódexek" [From Ordinary to Masterpiece: the Fifteenth-Century Notated “Esztergom–Buda” Codices], in Zenetudományi Dolgozatok 2015-2016 In memoriam Gábor Kiss. Gábor Kiss, Gabriella Gilányi (ed.) Budapest: HAS Research Centre for the Humanities, Institute for Musicology, 2018, 24–36 (mentioning the fragment in footnote 26); Zsuzsa Czagány, "Fragmenta Manuscriptorum Musicalium Hungariae Mediaevalis. From Traditional Methodologies Towards a Digital Corpus", in Disiecta Membra Musicae. Studies in Musical Fragmentology, ed. Giovanni Varelli. Studies in Manuscript Cultures vol. 21, Berlin, De Gruyter, 2020, 301–322; Gabriella Gilányi, "Új Graduale Strigoniense-töredékek" [New Graduale Strigoniense fragments], in Katalin Kim (ed.), Zenetudományi Dolgozatok 2019–2020. Budapest: Institute for Musicology, Research Centre for the Humanites, 2021, 29–48; eadem, "Közép-európai kódexek és kódexmásolók a 15. századi Felső-Magyarországon kottás töredékek fényében" [Central European codices and scribes in the 15th-century Upper Hungary in the light of notated fragments], in Gergely Fazekas – Lóránt Péteri – László Vikárius (ed.), Zenetörténetek Közép-Európából [Music Histories from Central Europe]. Pécs: Kronosz, 2024, 57–77; eadem, From fragments to workshop. Reconstructing a 15th-century Graduale Strigoniense. Resonemus pariter. Műhelytanulmányok a középkori zenetörténethez 4, Zsuzsa Czagány (series ed.), Budapest: HUN-REN Research Centre for the Humanities, 2025.
Related sources


Analytical Description

Fragments from the same codex:

Budapest, University Library, cover of Inc. 260 (F 722)

Szombathely, Diocesan Library, sine sign.

Szombathely, Diocesan Archives, 48/E. fasc. 3

Budapest, National Széchényi Library, cover of Inc. 387


The fragment belongs to the diocesan Esztergom graduale, from which, during the intensive fragment-research of the latter years four further folios turned up in Budapest and Szombathely collections. The original codex presumably was written in the same scriptorium as the two antiphonals of the Cathedral Library of Esztergom (ms. I. 3c-d). See the description of F 722.

The results of the detailed examination of the notation confirm the inherence of the fragments: a mutual feature e.g. is the design of the f-key, which’s half-punctum is always cut sharply in the middle by the inner frame line, and even the dimensions (systems, staff distances) are the same on the fragments. At the same time the notation of the fragments can be related to the notation of the Esztergom Antiphonals mentioned above (Cathedral Library of Esztergom, Ms. I.3c and 3d), but the thought of codex pairs is excluded by the differences in the editing. The notation of the antiphonal “d” is more rigid, more standardized and has 9 staves on each folio, while the graduale, similarly to the antiphonal “c” has 8 staves. In addition, in the codex “c” Czech neume constructions (pes, scandicus, square custos) can be found, which seems to be relevant differences. Further analogies can be found in the fragment catalogue of Eva Veselovská (; these findings can relate to the same school or scriptorium, even if each fragment has some unique features.

In the course of the examination it seemed, that the differences in the construction ares overwritten by the deeper connection of the notations: the scores show such high grade of correspondence, that their origin in the same workshop is expectable. The correspondence is well-perceivable in the design of the neumes, in the way of their articulation and conjunction, in the width of the pen, in the rate of stylization, in their sense of taste. The neume inventory with its perfectly aligning state of the loosening of conjunct neumes indicates scries/notators with the same level of preparedness. Where this scriptorium could have been? We imagine behind the notation a multi-national church institution with flourishing writing culture in Northern Hungary (today Slovakia), in which the scribes cultivated essentially the same notation, they only adjusted the ratios of the mixture, supposedly based on their individual preferences, education and descent, emphasizing once the Czech, in other cases the Hungarian or German elements.

Gabriella Gilányi

Zsuzsa Czagány


RISM Folio Tempus Dies Hora Genre Incipit Mode Cantus ID Mel. Num.
H-SYvml XII. 1. a. 160 recto Quadragesima Feria 6 in QuT post Dom. I Quadragesimae Off Benedic anima mea Domino* 5 g00704
H-SYvml XII. 1. a. 160 recto Quadragesima Feria 6 in QuT post Dom. I Quadragesimae Comm Erubescant et conturbentur* 4 g00705 Co-055
H-SYvml XII. 1. a. 160 recto Quadragesima Sabbato in QuT post Dom. I Quadragesimae Intr Intret oratio mea* 3 g00706 In-078
H-SYvml XII. 1. a. 160 recto Quadragesima Sabbato in QuT post Dom. I Quadragesimae Intr-V Domine Deus salutis meae* 3 g00706a In-078
H-SYvml XII. 1. a. 160 verso Quadragesima Sabbato in QuT post Dom. I Quadragesimae Intr-V Domine Deus salutis meae* (cont.) 3 g00706a In-078
H-SYvml XII. 1. a. 160 verso Quadragesima Sabbato in QuT post Dom. I Quadragesimae Grad Protector noster* g00709 Gr-099
H-SYvml XII. 1. a. 160 verso Quadragesima Sabbato in QuT post Dom. I Quadragesimae H Benedictus es Domine* 7 g00523