Basic Data

s. 15
Archives / Library / Collection
Budapest, University Library, Manuscript and Rare Books Collection
Inc. 260 (host volume)
1 incomplete leaf, detached
Page height
362 mm (incomplete)
Page width
235 mm (incomplete)
Written height
337 mm (incomplete)
Written width
216 mm (incomplete)
Number of columns
Number of lines
7 lines with music
Stave height
30 mm
gothica textualis
Musical notation
Messine-German-Hungarian Gothic notation
Musical notation/remarks
5-line staves with lines traced in red, C-clef, F-clef, custos
Host volume / shelfmark
Inc. 260
Chapter of Vasvár (Castrum Ferreum / Eisenburg) in the Western border of Hungary (cf. Szigeti, 1962, 1977, see more in the description)
commune unius martyris pontificis (?)
Szigeti Kilián, „A magyar középkor zenei emlékei Szombathelyen” [Musical relics of the Middle Ages in Szombathely], Vasi Szemle 16 (1962/2): 64–73; 1962, ; idem, „A szombathelyi egyházmegye egyházi zenéjének története”[History of the church music of the Szombathely Diocese], in A 200 éves szombathelyi egyházmegye emlékkönyve (Szombathely: Szombathelyi Egyházmegyei Hatóság, 1977), 245–430, here: 245–247; Gabriella Gilányi, "Használatitól a műremekig: a 15. századi hangjelzett esztergom-budai kódexek" [From Ordinary to Masterpiece: the Fifteenth-century Notated “Esztergom–Buda” Codices], in Zenetudományi Dolgozatok 2015-2016 In memoriam Kiss Gábor. Red. Gábor Kiss, Gabriella Gilányi (Budapest: HAS Research Centre for the Humanities, Institute for Musicology, 2018), 24–36 (mentioning the fragment in footnote 26); Zsuzsa Czagány, "Fragmenta Manuscriptorum Musicalium Hungariae Mediaevalis. From Traditional Methodologies Towards a Digital Corpus", in Disiecta Membra Musicae. Studies in Musical Fragmentology, ed. Giovanni Varelli. Studies in Manuscript Cultures vol. 21, Berlin, De Gruyter, 2020, 301–322. The recent research results summarized by Gabriella Gilányi, „Esztergomi kódexsorozataink új Graduale Strigoniense-töredékek fényében” [Esztergom codex series in light of new fragments of the Graduale Strigoniense]. Paper read at the conference "Resonemus pariter" in honour of Janka Szendrei, Research Centre for the Humanities, Institute for Musicology, 15. 11. 2018
Related sources


Analytical Description

The provenance of this Graduale-fragment can be closely connected with the early history of the 15th century Esztergom Antiphoners (H-Efkö, Ms.I.3c-d). They most likely originated in the same workshop in the 15th century as indicated by the Northern influence showing in the musical notation as well as the later usage of the Antiphoners at Nagyszombat (regard to the research of Kinga Körmendy). It cannot be ruled that the the fragment and the Antiphoners were originally part of the same large-scale series of codices. According to the most recent view , the scriptorium may have belonged to the chapter at Nagyszombat (Trnava in present-day Slovakia. The Graduale fragment came to our attention during the music paleographical analysis of the antiphoners. The research revealed more fragments belonging to the same Gradual. These are: 1.) F 900 (H-SY, without shelf mark); 2.) F 901 (Szombathely, Diocesean Archive, 48/E. fasc, 3.) Szombathely, Vas County Archives, cover of Index Prothocoli anni 1592. Szigeti describes the Szombathely fragments as parts of a Graduale of the Vasvár Chapter (Castrum Ferrum / Eisenburg in the Western border of Hungary), though nothing confirms this origin besides their current repository. 4.) H-Bn, cover of Inc. 387. Cf. Janka Szendrei, A magyar középkor hangjegyes forrásai [Notated sources of the Hungarian Middle Ages] (Budapest: Institute for Musicology of the HAS, 1981) F 225.

Gabriella Gilányi


RISM Folio Tempus Dies Hora Genre Incipit Mode Cantus ID Mel. Num.
H-Bu Inc. 260 recto Commune unius mart. pont. (?) Intr Sacerdotes eius induant salutare* 2 g02264 In-139
H-Bu Inc. 260 recto Commune unius mart. pont. (?) Inrt-V Memento Domine David 2 g02264a In-139
H-Bu Inc. 260 recto Commune unius mart. pont. (?) Intr Sacerdotes Dei benedicite Dominum* 6 g01280 In-138
H-Bu Inc. 260 recto Commune unius mart. pont. (?) Intr-V Benedicite omnia opera Domini* 6 g01280a In-138
H-Bu Inc. 260 recto Commune unius mart. pont. (?) Intr Statuit ei Dominus testamentum* 1 g01271 In-155
H-Bu Inc. 260 verso Commune unius mart. pont. (?) Grad Ecce sacerdos magnus* 5 g01332 Gr-043
H-Bu Inc. 260 verso Commune unius mart. pont. (?) Grad-V Non est inventus* 5 g01332a Gr-043
H-Bu Inc. 260 verso Commune unius mart. pont. (?) Grad Sacerdotes eius induant salutare* 1 g01339 Gr-107
H-Bu Inc. 260 verso Commune unius mart. pont. (?) Grad-V Illuc producam cornu David* 1 g01339a Gr-107