Aiud (Nagyenyed), Bethlen Gábor Documentary Library Budapest, Library and Information Centre of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Department of Manuscripts and Rare Books Budapest, Library of the Lutheran Central Collection Budapest, Liszt Academy, Church Music Department, Szendrei Collection Budapest, Pauline Library of the Central Seminary Budapest, Research Centre for the Humanities, library of the Institute for Musicology Budapest, University Library, Manuscript and Rare Books Collection Cluj-Napoca (Kolozsvár), „Lucian Blaga” Central University Library Debrecen, College Library of the Transtibiscan Reformed Church District Eger, Archdiocesan Library Gheorgheni (Gyergyószentmiklós), Archbishopric Archive Alba Iulia, coll. Gheorgheni Güssing, Bibliothek des Franziskanerklosters Kecskemét, Library of the Reformed College Kőszeg, Hungarian National Archives / Vas County Archives / Kőszeg Branch Archives Pannonhalma, Archives of the Benedictine Archabbey of Pannonhalma Pécs, Diocesan Library Šibenik, Samostan sv. Frane (Franciscan Monastery) Szeged, University of Szeged, Klebelsberg Library, Collection of Old Books and Manuscripts Székesfehérvár, Episcopal Library Szombathely, „Berzsenyi Dániel” County and City Library Szombathely, Hungarian National Archives / Vas County Archives Târgu-Mureş (Marosvásárhely), Biblioteca Teleki-Bolyai (Teleki-Bolyai Library) Varaždin, Knjižnica Franjevačkog samostana u Varaždinu (Library of the Franciscan Convent in Varaždin) Zagreb, Gradska knjižnica – Zbirka Rara (City Library – Collection of Rare Books) Zagreb, Knjižnica franjevačkog samostana, Kaptol (Library of the Franciscan Convent, Kaptol) Zagreb, Nadbiskupsko bogoslovno sjemenište (Archdiocesan Theological Seminary)