F901 / GRADUALE s. 15, 1 incomplete leaf in two pieces, Szombathely, Diocesan Library, Manuscript Collection, Fragment 3. A–B

Basic Data

s. 15
Archives / Library / Collection
Szombathely, Diocesan Library, Manuscript Collection
Fragment 3. A–B
1 incomplete leaf in two pieces, detached
Page height
3.A (upper piece): 217 mm (incomplete); 3.B (lower) 230 mm (incomplete)
Page width
3.A: 315 mm (incomplete); 3.B: 298 mm (incomplete)
Written height
3.A: 190 mm (incomplete); 3.B 189 mm (incomplete)
Written width
3.A: 256 mm (complete); 3.B 256 mm (complete)
Number of columns
Number of lines
Originally 8 lines with text and music per side, fourth line on the upper piece and first line in the second piece are severly damaged.
Stave height
30 mm
gothica textuális
Musical notation
Messine-German-Hungarian Gothic notation
Musical notation/remarks
5-line red staves, C-clef, F-clef, custos
Host volume / author, title
Later inscription: Processus Liquidationis contra extractos Prata in Kenéz possidentes.
The host volume is missing, an entry about it: pp. 309-310 of the Protocollum of the Chapters of the Village of Kenéz: Ladula E, Fasc. 3. No. 8. Until 2022 it was held in the Private Archives of the Vasvár-Szombathely Cathedral Chapter, among the miscellaneous documents: V. 48/E fasc. It was then transferred to the Diocesan Library in 2022.
Feria5-6, Hebdomada Passionis
Hungary (Nagyszombat)
Kilián Szigeti, „A magyar középkor zenei emlékei Szombathelyen” [Musical relics of the Middle Ages in Szombathely], Vasi Szemle 16 (1962/2): 64–73; 1962, ; idem, „A szombathelyi egyházmegye egyházi zenéjének története”[History of the church music of the Szombathely Diocese], in A 200 éves szombathelyi egyházmegye emlékkönyve. Szombathely: Szombathelyi Egyházmegyei Hatóság, 1977, 245–430, here 245–247; Gabriella Gilányi, "Használatitól a műremekig: a 15. századi hangjelzett esztergom-budai kódexek" [From Ordinary to Masterpiece: the Fifteenth-Century Notated “Esztergom–Buda” Codices], in Zenetudományi Dolgozatok 2015-2016 In memoriam Gábor Kiss. Gábor Kiss, Gabriella Gilányi (ed.) Budapest: HAS Research Centre for the Humanities, Institute for Musicology, 2018, 24–36 (mentioning the fragment in footnote 26); Zsuzsa Czagány, "Fragmenta Manuscriptorum Musicalium Hungariae Mediaevalis. From Traditional Methodologies Towards a Digital Corpus", in Disiecta Membra Musicae. Studies in Musical Fragmentology, ed. Giovanni Varelli. Studies in Manuscript Cultures vol. 21, Berlin, De Gruyter, 2020, 301–322; Gabriella Gilányi, "Új Graduale Strigoniense-töredékek" [New Graduale Strigoniense fragments], in Katalin Kim (ed.), Zenetudományi Dolgozatok 2019–2020. Budapest: Institute for Musicology, Research Centre for the Humanites, 2021, 29–48; eadem, "Közép-európai kódexek és kódexmásolók a 15. századi Felső-Magyarországon kottás töredékek fényében" [Central European codices and scribes in the 15th-century Upper Hungary in the light of notated fragments], in Gergely Fazekas – Lóránt Péteri – László Vikárius (ed.), Zenetörténetek Közép-Európából [Music Histories from Central Europe]. Pécs: Kronosz, 2024, 57–77; eadem, From fragments to workshop. Reconstructing a 15th-century Graduale Strigoniense. Resonemus pariter. Műhelytanulmányok a középkori zenetörténethez 4, Zsuzsa Czagány (series ed.), Budapest: HUN-REN Research Centre for the Humanities, 2025.
Related sources

Analytical Description

The fragment is part of a group of 15th-century codex fragments, eight of which have been discovered and identified, belonging to a representative Esztergom Gradual. The musical notation and the chants of the leaves, in particular the O rex et apostole Stephane Alleluia in fragment F 920, which appears on the feast of King St Stephen, indicate the diocese of Esztergom as the destination of the manuscript. Some manuscript pieces of the codex are now preserved in distant collections in Budapest, Szombathely and Pécs; the eight leaves and parts of leaves have survived the last centuries as book and document covers. The music script of the fragments is particularly close to that of the two antiphoners (Ms. I. 3c-d) preserved in the Cathedral Library of Esztergom, whose provenance has recently been linked to Trnava. For more information on the mother codex, the host books and documents and the Trnava copying workshop in the background, see Gabriella Gilányi, From Fragment to Workshop: The Reconstruction of a 15th-century Graduale Strigoniense. Resonemus pariter. Studies in Medieval Music History 4, ed. Zsuzsa Czagány, Budapest.

Gabriella Gilányi


RISM Folio Tempus Dies Hora Genre Incipit Mode Cantus ID Mel. Num.
H-SYa 48/E.fasc. recto Feria 5 Intr Omnia quae fecisti nobis* 2 g01237
H-SYa 48/E.fasc. recto Feria 5 Grad Tollite hostias et introite in atria* 2 g00822
H-SYa 48/E.fasc. recto Feria 5 Grad-V Revelavit Dominus* 6 g00822a
H-SYa 48/E.fasc. recto Feria 5 Off Super flumina Babilonis* 1 g01239
H-SYa 48/E.fasc. recto Feria 5 Comm Memento verbi tui servo tuo* 5 g01240
H-SYa 48/E.fasc. recto Feria 6 Intr Miserere mihi Domine quoniam* 5 g00824