Basic Data

s. 15
Archives / Library / Collection
Pécs, University Library and Centre for Learning, Historical Collection Department
126657-V (host book)
1 incomplete leaf and 1 fragmentulum reinforcing the edge of the front flyleaf csonka fólió és az elülső kötéstábla szegélyét erősítő 1 fragmentulum, nincs lefejtve
Page height
440 mm (incomplete); fragmentulum: 272 mm
Page width
275 mm (incomplete); fragmentulum: 44 mm (+ the same amount folded back on the other side of the binding board, glued)
Written height
440 mm (incomplete), fragmentulum: 272 mm (incomplete)
Written width
260 mm (almost complete), fragmentulum: 40 mm (incomplete)
Number of columns
Number of lines
8 lines with text and music
Stave height
30 mm
gothica textualis
Musical notation
Messine-German-Hungarian Gothic notation
Musical notation/remarks
5-line red staves, C-clef, F-clef, custos
Host volume / author, title
Johannes Herolt: Sermones discipuli de tempore et de sanctis]. Title page is missing, later in ink: Venerabilis, et Devoti Joannis Herolt Ord. Praedic. Sermones De tempore, de Sanctis et Quadragesimale. Pencil inscription in the right bottom corner of the flyleaf: "Printed probably in the 17th century”.
Host volume / shelfmark
Stamp in between: Hospital of the Hospitaller Order of St John of God, Pécs. On a paper strip glued to the upper margin of the first page: Loci capucinorum 5. Ecclesiis. On the bottom margin of Exempla de D section, F. V: Stephanus Tallián, Anno Domini 1621. Barely legible handwritten entry on the verso of the last folio (44): Cantor [...] 13 Rh. fl. 2 [de]nari Aranjos Janos Jobagios.
Assumptio BMV, Octava Laurentii, Agapitus, Stephanus rex, fragmentulum: Commune plurimorum martyrum
Hungary (Nagyszombat)
Gilányi Gabriella, „Új Graduale Strigoniense-töredékek”, in Kim Katalin (szerk.), Zenetudományi Dolgozatok 2019–2020. Budapest: Bölcsészettudományi Kutatóközpont Zenetudományi Intézet, 2021, 29–48; uő., "Közép-európai kódexek és kódexmásolók a 15. századi Felső-Magyarországon kottás töredékek fényében", in Fazekas Gergely – Péteri Lóránt – Vikárius László (szerk.), Zenetörténetek Közép-Európából. Pécs: Kronosz Kiadó, 2024, 57–77; uő., Töredék, kódex, kódexsorozat: egy 15. századi Graduale Strigoniense rekonstrukciója. Resonemus pariter. Műhelytanulmányok a középkori zenetörténethez 4, sorozatszerk. Czagány Zsuzsa, Budapest: HUN-REN Bölcsészettudományi Kutatóközpont, 2025 (előkészületben).
Related sources

Analytical Description

The fragment is part of a group of 15th-century codex fragments, eight of which have been discovered and identified, belonging to a representative Esztergom Gradual. The musical notation and the chants of the leaves, in particular the O rex et apostole Stephane Alleluia in this fragment, which appears on the feast of King St Stephen, indicate the diocese of Esztergom as the destination of the manuscript. Some manuscript pieces of the codex are now preserved in distant collections in Budapest, Szombathely and Pécs; the eight leaves and parts of leaves have survived the last centuries as book and document covers. The music script of the fragments is particularly close to that of the two antiphoners (Ms. I. 3c-d) preserved in the Cathedral Library of Esztergom, whose provenance has recently been linked to Trnava. For more information on the mother codex, the host books and documents and the Trnava copying workshop in the background, see Gabriella Gilányi, From Fragment to Workshop. Reconstructing a 15th-century Graduale Strigoniense. Resonemus pariter. Studies in Medieval Music History 4, series ed. Zsuzsa Czagány, Budapest.

Gabriella Gilányi


RISM Folio Tempus Dies Hora Genre Incipit Mode Cantus ID Mel. Num.
H-Pu 126657-V verso Assumptio BMV All Assumpta est Maria in caelum* 5 g00339
H-Pu 126657-V verso Assumptio BMV Off Offerrentur g00083
H-Pu 126657-V verso Assumptio BMV Comm Dilexisti g01400
H-Pu 126657-V verso Octava Laurentii m. Intr Probasti Domine cor meum 7 g02209
H-Pu 126657-V verso Agapitus m. Intr Laetabitur iustus in Domino g01294
H-Pu 126657-V verso Agapitus m. Grad Os iusti g01343
H-Pu 126657-V verso Agapitus m. Off Gloria et honore g01260
H-Pu 126657-V verso Agapitus m. Comm Magna est g01261
H-Pu 126657-V verso Stephanus rex Intr Os iusti g01349
H-Pu 126657-V verso Stephanus rex Grad Domine praevenisti eum g01360 Gr-043
H-Pu 126657-V verso Stephanus rex All O rex et apostole Stephane* 6 g02727
H-Pu 126657-V Commune plurimorum mart. Comm Et si coram hominibus 1 g01318 Co-057
H-Pu 126657-V Commune plurimorum mart. Comm Anima nostra sicut passer 6 g02174 Co-008