The Budapest University Library keeps the detached fragment separately from its host volume in a box with other detached fragments. The shelf-mark – Hf 1306 – noted on the fragment’s sleeve refers to the original host volume, which, in this case, cannot be identified with certainty. Though this shelf-mark belongs to three books (Tomus II, III, IV) of the Library from the four-volume Opera omnia of Baptista Mantuani printed in 1576. The volumes only differ in their ‘Ant’- shelf-marks indicating their belonging to the 16th-century prints (Ant 2682, Ant 2683, Ant 2684). All three books are part of the Library’s oldest collection called Antiquissima Turocensis, as the possessors inscription Societatis Jesu inscriptus Catalogo attests. (Turociensis refers to Znióváralja (Kláštor pod Znievom in present-day Slovakia – centre of the ancient Turóc county – where the Jesuits established their college in 1586). The books were acquired between 1586—1589, and were first catalogued in 1600. In the second and third volume the entries Collegii Turociensis and Selliensis Anno 1600 are also present (Selliensis referring to Vágsellye – Šaľa in present-day Slovakia, the second residence of the Jesuits between 1598 and 1605), in the fourth volume the inscription Trynaviensis 1632 appears beside the aforementioned entries correcting them (Tyrnaviensis referring to Nagyszombat – Trnava in present-day Slovakia). All three books have their original binding: white leather on wooden tables with two clasps on each. Neither of them show any sign of a codex fragment, thus we cannot determine if the parchment leaf would have been needed on any part of the volume. To the reconstruction of the Library’s oldest collection see Farkas Gábor Farkas, A nagyszombati egyetemi könyvtár az alapításkor, 1635 [ The University Library of Nagyszombat/Trnava at its foundation, 1635], A Kárpát-medence koraújkori könyvtárai III, ed. István Monok, Szeged, Scriptum Rt., 2001; Dezső Dümmerth, A budapesti Egyetemi Könyvtár gyűjteményének keletkezése [Der Ursprung der Bestände der Universitätsbibliothek zu Budapest (1561—1635)], Magyar Könyvszemle 79 (1963) 43–58; Dezső Dümmerth, A budapesti Egyetemi Könyvtár állományának alapjai [L’Origine des collections de la Bibliothèque Universitaire de Budapest], Magyar Könyvszemle 80 (1964) 292–309; Éva Knapp, “A budapesti Egyetemi Könyvtár 1635 előtti ősállományának negyven új kötete” [Fourty new volumes of the archaic collection of books printed before 1635 in the University Library, Budapest], Librum evolvo: Eszme- és könyvtörténeti tanulmányok a XVI–XX. századból, Budapest, reciti, 2017, 225–254.
Zsuzsa Czagány