Basic Data

Graduale, Sequentionale
s. 15
Archives / Library / Collection
Budapest, Library and Information Centre of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Department of Manuscripts and Rare Books
T 300
2 incomplete leaves, detached
Page height
1: 669 mm, 2: 977 mm
Page width
1: 879 mm, 2: 584 mm
Written width
1: 690 mm
Number of columns
Number of lines
2 lines with text and music, the upper line of music is fragmentary (f. 1r-v); 4 incomplete (cut in half vertically) lines with text and music (f. 2r-v)
Width of columns
1: 690 mm
Stave height
1: 85 mm, 2: 88 mm
gothica textualis formata fracta
Musical notation
Bohemian rhombic notation
Musical notation/remarks
4-line staves with lines traced in red, C-clef, F-clef, square custos
Host volume / author, title
Protocollum Archiepisc. Szelepchényi ab A. 1675
Nándor Knauz
Dominica II et III Adventus; sequentia de BMV
Várad (now Oradea), cathedral
Szendrei Janka, A magyar középkor hangjegyes forrásai [Notated sources of the Hungarian Middle Ages]. HAS Institute for Musicology, Budapest, 1981, F 26; Czagány Zsuzsa, Töredék, kódex, rítus, hagyomány – II. A Váradi Szekvencionále újonnan előkerült darabja [Das Waradiner Sequentiar]. In: Kiss Gábor (ed.), Zenetudományi Dolgozatok 1978-2012, HAS Research Centre for the Humanities, Institute for Musicology, Budapest 2014, 45–56; eadem, Böhmische „Zutaten” im Waradiner Sequentiar. In: Ars musica and its contexts in medieval and early modern culture. Ed. Pawel Gancarczyk, Warszawa 2016, 237-245.
Related sources


Analytical Description

Fragment of the Graduale and Sequentionale Varadinense.

On the fragment’s second folio parts of the Uterus virgineus sequence’s 3-8th strophes were preserved. According to the Analecta Hymnica and the data of online databases (CANTUS; the sequence written in honour of the Virgin Mary is primarily traceable in German and Bohemian sources. Considering the repertory and the ordering of chants of the Várad codices it is remarkable, that in the 14-15th-century gradual of the Prague cathedral the sequence Uterus virgineus directly precedes the prose Ave virginalis forma: the truly rare chant, whose only Hungarian source is the Sequentionale Varadinense. Comp. Graduale („Marianum”) Praha, Knihovna Národního muzea, ms. XII A 1, f. 73v, 76r. The facsimile of the source is accessible on . Based on this parallel the Sequ. Uterus virgineus may have also belonged to the Bohemian “guest-chants” of the Várad mass codices.

Zsuzsa Czagány


RISM Folio Tempus Dies Hora Genre Incipit Mode Cantus ID Mel. Num.
H-Ba T 300 1_recto Adventus Dominica II Comm Ierusalem surge et sta in excelso* 2 g00500
H-Ba T 300 1_verso Adventus Dominica III Intr Gaudete in Domino semper* 1 g00501
H-Ba T 300 2_recto de BMV Sequ-V3 [Uterus virgineus] Salomon pacificus* ah54248
H-Ba T 300 2_recto de BMV Sequ-V4 Virgo thronus exstitit* ah54248
H-Ba T 300 2_recto de BMV Sequ-V5 Haec est sedes gratiae* ah54248
H-Ba T 300 2_verso de BMV Sequ-V6 In hac sede residet* ah54248
H-Ba T 300 2_verso de BMV Sequ-V7 Sicut vellus maduit* ah54248
H-Ba T 300 2_verso de BMV Sequ-V8 Nec vellus corrumpitur* ah54248