F906 / GRADUALE s. 15, 1 almost complete bifolio, Kőszeg, Hungarian National Archives / Vas County Archives / Kőszeg Branch Archives, sine sign. (Bariska 5, 6)

Basic Data

s. 14/15
Archives / Library / Collection
Szombathely, Hungarian National Archives / Vas County Archives / Kőszeg Branch Archives
sine sign.
1 almost complete bifolio
Page height
340 mm (almost complete)
Page width
245 mm (almost complete)
Written height
260 mm (incomplete)
Written width
193 mm (complete)
Number of columns
Number of lines
9 lines with text and music (complete) on each side
Stave height
19 mm
gothica textualis
Musical notation
Messine-German Gothic notation
Musical notation/remarks
5-line staves with lines traced in red, double clef? c-clef, f-clef, custos
Host volume / author, title
Protocols of Kőszeg city: Prothocolum annorum 1583-1595
Kőszeg, city council; f. 2r: Franciscus Nadasdi, perpetuis terre Fogaras, ac locumtenens Comitatus Castriferrei
Dominicae IX-XI, XIV-XV per annum
Salzburg-Passau (?)
Szigeti Kilián, „A magyar középkor zenei emlékei Szombathelyen” [„Musical documents of Medieval Hungary at Szombathely”], in Vasi Szemle 16 (1962/2), 64–75; ibid., Kőszeg város egyházi zenéje [Church music of Kőszeg city], in A 200 éves szombathelyi egyházmegye emlékkönyve (1777–1977), Szombathely, 1977, 243–361; Bariska István, „A Kőszegi Levéltár kódextöredékeinek történeti hátteréhez” [To the historical backgroud of the codex fragments of the Kőszeg Archives], in Vasi Szemle 46 (1992/4), 537–547


Analytical Description

The bifolio is one of three gradual-fragments which were used to bind the 16-17th century protocols of Kőszeg city, and whose mother codices were used at the Saint Jacob church of Kőszeg, according to Kilián Szigeti. Based on his opinion explained in detail in 1962 and confirmed in 1977 (see Bibliography) the graduals came with the liturgical equipment of the 15th century church in the first half of the century, supposedly from the Austrian region. According to Szigeti the chants preserved on the fragment follow the chant order of Salzburg and Passau mass sources, which is unsurprising, since Kőszeg (Güns) was a pawned land for Austria between 1445 and 1482, then from 1491 to 1647: as a part of Lower-Austria under Habsburg authority may have gotten its liturgical books from Austria.

In the days of Szigeti, in the ’60-s and ’70-s of the 20th century the fragment was kept in the National Archives of Szombathely with its host volume, the city protocols containing documents of the years 1583-1595. István Bariska made a list of the detached fragments of the Kőszeg Archives in his 1992 paper, among those was the gradual fragment already detached from its host volume, under the numbers 5 and 6. Janka Szendrei, who assumedly reviewed the musical fragments at Kőszeg in the second half of the ’80-s (as she does not mention them in her 1981 catalogue) in her handwritten notes gives a warning, that though the fragment was detached from its host volume, it had not gotten a separate shelf mark, furthermore, the host volume (the city protocols of Kőszeg) and the two fragments, which served as its cover were kept in two different institutions, separated from each other: the protocol was at Kőszeg, and the fragment was kept in the National Archives of Szombathely. At the time of our fieldwork, in November, 2019 we found the fragment in the Hungarian National Archives / Vas County Archives / Kőszeg Branch Archives.

The fragment preserved chants for the Sundays 9, 10, 14 and 15 post Pentecosten, completed with the first chant of the 11th Sunday (f. 1v) and the introit of the (September) Ember Days, written after the 15th Sunday (f. 2v). Both Kilián Szigeti and Janka Szendrei thought that the selection of mass chants and their arrangement is foreign to the traditions of Medieval Hungary. Assumedly, they based their suggestion on the alleluia series, which can be reconstructed from 4 chants – D9  Attendite, D10 Exsultate Deo + Sumite de psalmum, D14 Quoniam Deus, D15 Paratum cor –, which indeed does not occur in Hungarian sources, and whose parallels can be found, as mentioned, in sources from Salzburg and Passau. Their opinion can be somewhat further tinged based on the current richer knowledge of sources: the alleluia arrangement of the fragment can be found not only in South-German but sporadically in Bohemian and Moravian codices: refer to Missale notatum s. 13, Rajhrad, Library of the Benedictine Abbey R 396, f. 65v–66r és 68r–v, online: http://www.manuscriptorium.com/apps/index.php?envLang=en#search; Graduale s. 15, Archív mesta Brna, fond V 2 Svatojakubská knihovna, no. 1, f. 153v–159r.


Zsuzsa Czagány


RISM Folio Tempus Dies Hora Genre Incipit Mode Cantus ID Mel. Num.
H-KŐkf 1_recto Tempus per annum Dominica IX p. Pent Intr Ecce Deus adiuvat me* 5 g01173 In-042
H-KŐkf 1_recto Tempus per annum Dominica IX p. Pent Intr-V Deus in nomine tuo 5 g01173a In-042
H-KŐkf 1_recto Tempus per annum Dominica IX p. Pent Grad Domine Dominus noster* 5 g01174 Gr-038
H-KŐkf 1_recto Tempus per annum Dominica IX p. Pent Grad-V Quoniam elevata est magnificentia* 5 g01174a Gr-038
H-KŐkf 1_recto Tempus per annum Dominica IX p. Pent All Attendite popule meus 6 g02191
H-KŐkf 1_verso Tempus per annum Dominica IX p. Pent All Attendite popule meus (cont.) 6 g02191
H-KŐkf 1_verso Tempus per annum Dominica IX p. Pent Off Iustitiae Domini (inc.) 4 g00752 Off-076
H-KŐkf 1_verso Tempus per annum Dominica IX p. Pent Comm Primum quaerite regnum Dei 8 g01205 Co-119
H-KŐkf 1_verso Tempus per annum Dominica X p. Pent Intr Dum clamarem (inc.) 3 g01178 In-038
H-KŐkf 1_verso Tempus per annum Dominica X p. Pent Grad Custodi me (inc.) 1 g00871 Gr-029
H-KŐkf 1_verso Tempus per annum Dominica X p. Pent All Exsultate Deo adiutori nostro 7 g01186
H-KŐkf 1_verso Tempus per annum Dominica X p. Pent All-V Sumite psalmum iucundum 7 g01186
H-KŐkf 1_verso Tempus per annum Dominica X p. Pent Off Ad te levavi g00493 Off-001
H-KŐkf 1_verso Tempus per annum Dominica X p. Pent Comm Acceptabis g01182 Co-002
H-KŐkf 1_verso Tempus per annum Dominica XI p. Pent Intr Deus in loco sancto suo 5 g01183 In-022
H-KŐkf 2_recto Tempus per annum Dominica XIV p. Pent Intr Protector noster* 4 g01200 In-123
H-KŐkf 2_recto Tempus per annum Dominica XIV p. Pent Intr-V Quam dilecta tabernacula 4 g01200a.1 In-123
H-KŐkf 2_recto Tempus per annum Dominica XIV p. Pent Grad Bonum est confidere (inc.) 5 g01201 Gr-019
H-KŐkf 2_recto Tempus per annum Dominica XIV p. Pent All Quoniam Deus magnus Dominus 7 507036
H-KŐkf 2_recto Tempus per annum Dominica XIV p. Pent Off Immittit angelus (inc.) 8 g01204 Off-064
H-KŐkf 2_recto Tempus per annum Dominica XIV p. Pent Comm Panis quem ego (inc.) 1 g01211 Co-109
H-KŐkf 2_recto Tempus per annum Dominica XV p. Pent Intr Inclina Domine aurem tuam ad me 1 g01206 In-076
H-KŐkf 2_verso Tempus per annum Dominica XV p. Pent Intr Inclina Domine aurem tuam ad me (cont.) 1 g01206 In-076
H-KŐkf 2_verso Tempus per annum Dominica XV p. Pent Intr-V Laetifica animam servi tui 1 g01206c In-076
H-KŐkf 2_verso Tempus per annum Dominica XV p. Pent Grad Bonum est confidere (inc.) 5 g01201 Gr-019
H-KŐkf 2_verso Tempus per annum Dominica XV p. Pent All Paratum cor meum 3 g01238
H-KŐkf 2_verso Tempus per annum Dominica XV p. Pent Off Exspectans exspectavi g01210 Off-047
H-KŐkf 2_verso Tempus per annum Dominica XV p. Pent Comm Qui manducat g01177 Co-124
H-KŐkf 2_verso Tempus per annum Feria IV Quattuor Temporum Septembris Intr Exsultate Deo adiutori nostro 6c g01222 In-060